The exporter module, which is enabled by default, allows client programs to query the server and retrieve the data files by http. The api consists of just three commands that are sent to the server by http. The results of the queries can be returned in an easy to parse format in plain text or xml.
The module is complemented by three additional commands, which are part of the batch module but are mentioned here for completeness. These three commands act on the raw data files that are saved in the spool directory, while the three exporter commands work on the data files that have been processed by the filters. The exporter commands are explained immediately below and the spool commands are explained next.
The exporter commands are:
http://server:port/commandwhere command is one of the following:
The ``select'' parameter regexp is a regular expression (as explained below) that gives a simple and powerful method to query and select the files of interest. The ``format'' parameter instructs the server to return the information in xml format (more on that below).
The module is designed to be simple, convenient and powerful for scripts and special applications, rather than for interactive use through web browsers.
For example, using our own test server,
The query_list command
/_export/query_list?select=regexp[&format=xml|csv]takes one or two arguments. The "select" argument is a regular expression that is matched against the list of subdirectories that contain the data files. The first few subdirectories are,
digatmos/upperairand there are many (300+) more. For example,
/_export/query_list?select=nwx/public_productswill match the directories
digatmos/nwx/watch_warn/flwand many others. Then the server will return the list
Watch_and_Warning_Products,digatmos/nwx/watch_warn/flw,%{ymdh}.flwand so on. Each item that matches contains the comma separated trio of elements,
description of the data
name format of the data fileFor example, the %{ymdh}.fwl in the third line above means that the subdiretory ``digatmos/nwx/watch_warn/flw'' contains files named like
2008121123.fwlIf the second argument (format=xml) is given, that is
/_export/query_list?select=nwx/public_products&format=xmlthen the list will be returned in xml format instead of a comma separated trio in each line.
The query_dir command can also take two arguments
/_export/query_dir?dir=dir&select=regexp[&format=xml|csv]For example, with just one argument,
/_export/query_dir?dir=digatmos/nwx/watch_warn/flw&select=20081211it will return the list of files in the subdirectory
digatmos/nwx/watch_warnwhose names match the regular expression that is passed in the ``select'' parameter. In this example, it will return a list like
2008121102.flwand so on. A command like
/_export/query_dir?dir=digatmos/nwx/watch_warn/flw&select=2008121[12]will return the list of files on days 11 and 12, and a command like
/_export/query_dir?dir=digatmos/nwx/watch_warn/flw&select=200812110[1-4]will return the list corresponding to 2008-12-11 between 1 and 4 am. In any case, if the second parameter is used, like
/_export/query_dir?dir=digatmos/nwx/watch_warn/flw&select=20081211&format=xmlthen the list is returned in xml format.
The _export_get command is used to retrieve a particular file. For example
http://www.opennoaaport.net:8015/_export_get/digatmos/nwx/watch_warn/flw/2008121115.flwwill return that particular data file.
In summary, the query_list command is used to get the list of data subdirectories and the format of the file names. The select parameter is used to restrict the set of subdirectories.
The query_dir command is used to get the list of data files in a given subdirectory. The select parameter restricts the date and times of the set of files.
Finally the export_get command is used to retrieve a particular file from a particular data subdirectory.
The meaning of a ``format tag'' like %{ymdh} in the file names of the ist returned has been explained above. Other tags that are used with a similar meaning are
%{awips2}which have values like
n0r (first three letters of %{awips})
jua (last three letters of %{awips})respectively.
At the moment of writing, only the data subdirectories of the digatmos directory are exported. Other ditectories (e.g., gempak) will be included as the module is developed further.
Spool commands
The spool commands are
http://server:port/commandwhere command is one of
http://server:port/_get/inv/hhmmThe first can be used, for example, to request file transfers after a panfilter notification, and the second one to periodically request the list of certain files from a given station. The third command can be used to periodically request the latest minutely inventory file; the hhmm in that command should not contain the ".log" file extension, just the hour and the minute in hhmm format.
In the first command, the transfered file is the raw file that nbsp saves in the spool directory. If nbsp is configured to save the spool files with the CCB, then the transfered file will contain the (24 bytes) CCB.
An additional argument in the second command as ``&format=xml'' to return an xml formatted list.
For example, the following command queries the ``n0r'' radar files in the tjsj station:
http://diablo:8015/_query/spool?station=tjsj&select=*n0r*The server would respond with a list such as
tjsj_sdus52-n0rjua.152011_163888260Then executing
http://diablo:8015/_get/spool/tjsj_sdus52-n0rjua.152206_164012674will retrieve that particular file.
The last command will return the inventory file for a particular minite, e.g.
http:///diablo:8015/_get/inv/1400will return the list of files spooled at 14:00.