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Npstats project

Npstats is a system for monitoring the Noaaport signal on a global scale, with respect to signal levels and quality, performance characteristics of the receivers, and software processing systems such as Nbsp and Npemwin.

The development discussions are carried out in Bitbucket, and the source code and binary packages for a selected set of supported platforms are available here.

Npstats and Nbsp

If Npstats is installed and running, then Nbsp can be configured to display the status of any of the devices that are being monitored by Npstats.

The devices show up by selecting the Devices item in the "Statistics" menu of the Nbsp web server. A list of devices is displayed (only one device is being monitored in this example), and selecting anyone of them displays the corresponding status.


Novramon is simple text console program that monitors the status of the Novra S300 device. It has some useful additional functionality that is not inlcluded in Npstats, such as the ability to reset the device and log the data to a file. The binary packages for a selected set of supported platforms are available here, and the documentation is kept in Bitbucket.